[Télécharger] Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition) de Jane Child Pdf Epub

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Télécharger "Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition)" de Jane Child En Ligne

Auteur : Jane Child
Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

A training manual for Equine Reiki practitioners who wish to study and practise Reiki for use with horses. The ideas and techniques described in this training manual are for the Reiki practitioner who has achieved Reiki First Degree and has been working with Reiki. Included in the ebook is information about the Chakra system of the horse, drawn illustrations of the hand placements plus case studies and articles.

Télécharger Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition) de Jane Child En Ligne

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