
Showing posts from April, 2022

[Télécharger] A Ferret Manual: How to Train and Manage Your Human (English Edition) de Karen Hearing Livre eBook France

Télécharger A Ferret Manual: How to Train and Manage Your Human (English Edition) de Karen Hearing Livres En Ligne 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "A Ferret Manual: How to Train and Manage Your Human (English Edition)" de Karen Hearing Pdf Epub Auteur : Karen Hearing Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais So you really think you "own" your pet ferrets and that they live in "your" house? Well, think again – because it just may be otherwise. And that's exactly why we've written this humorous little book, "A Ferret Manual: How to Train and Manage Your Human." It examines ferret training and ferret care from a ferret's-eye point of view.Here's what you'll get . . . Introduction – An Overview of Human NatureToys – Get What You Really WantMeal Time – Make 'em Get It RightLitter Pans and Cage Configuration – Or t...

[Télécharger] Dear My Child (English Edition) de Kyu-Jin Jeon,Courtney Monday Livres En Ligne

Télécharger Dear My Child (English Edition) de Kyu-Jin Jeon,Courtney Monday Livres En Ligne 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Dear My Child (English Edition)" de Kyu-Jin Jeon,Courtney Monday livre En ligne Auteur : Kyu-Jin Jeon,Courtney Monday Catégorie : Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères,Par langue Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais 'Dear My Child' is a short story illustrated with cute and fluffy bunny characters. It is a short bedtime story for children of all ages. Life lessons are embedded within each paragraph of the book, with the purpose of enriching the lives of both parents and children alike. For a limited time only, a free audio version (in English) of the book will be available for those who register on the publisher's website. The audio version of the book will be available to download in October. The registration code is located on the second page of the book. Télécharger Dear My Child (English Editi...

[Télécharger] Brain Training for Riders: Unlock Your Riding Potential with StressLess Techniques for Conquering Fear, Improving Performance, and Finding Focused Calm (English Edition) de Andrea Monsarrat Waldo Livres En Ligne

Télécharger Brain Training for Riders: Unlock Your Riding Potential with StressLess Techniques for Conquering Fear, Improving Performance, and Finding Focused Calm (English Edition) de Andrea Monsarrat Waldo Livre eBook France 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Brain Training for Riders: Unlock Your Riding Potential with StressLess Techniques for Conquering Fear, Improving Performance, and Finding Focused Calm (English Edition)" de Andrea Monsarrat Waldo Livre eBook France Auteur : Andrea Monsarrat Waldo Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais Did you know there is an area of your brain known as the “Lizard Brain” that thinks only about the immediate moment and your means of survival? Yes, in certain circumstances, your “Rational Brain” can effectively “shut down” and you are at the mercy of a reptile ... dry-mouthed, sweating, quea...

[Télécharger] Syrian or Golden Hamsters Owners guide Facts and information all about Syrian hamsters including care, food, diet, cages, pregnancy, breeding, behavior, toys, wheels, lifespan. (English Edition) de Lyndsey McMahon,Ian Armstrong Livre PDF Gratuit

Télécharger Syrian or Golden Hamsters Owners guide Facts and information all about Syrian hamsters including care, food, diet, cages, pregnancy, breeding, behavior, toys, wheels, lifespan. (English Edition) de Lyndsey McMahon,Ian Armstrong Pdf Epub 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Syrian or Golden Hamsters Owners guide Facts and information all about Syrian hamsters including care, food, diet, cages, pregnancy, breeding, behavior, toys, wheels, lifespan. (English Edition)" de Lyndsey McMahon,Ian Armstrong Livres En Ligne Auteur : Lyndsey McMahon,Ian Armstrong Catégorie : Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères,Par langue Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais Syrian or Golden Hamster Owner’s Guide takes you on a romp through the hamster’s world. You learn how to select a hamster, create the perfect safe habitat, breed the hamster and then take care of the pups, and diagnose and treat the sick hamster. The easy-to-follow...

[Télécharger] The Koi: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Fish (Your Happy Healthy P Book 99) (English Edition) de Gregory Skomal Livres Pdf Epub

Télécharger The Koi: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Fish (Your Happy Healthy P Book 99) (English Edition) de Gregory Skomal Livre PDF Gratuit 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "The Koi: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Fish (Your Happy Healthy P Book 99) (English Edition)" de Gregory Skomal Livre PDF Gratuit Auteur : Gregory Skomal Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais At last, a book to kick-off your hobby as a Koi-keeper. From how to build a Koi pond to choosing breeding stock, Koi: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Fish, provides the answers. You'll learn how to choose from the many pond materials on the market, how big your pond needs to be and where to place it in your yard. You'll also learn where to buy your fish, how to select healthy specimens and how to feed them to keep them in top form.Koi: An Owner's Guide To A Happy Health...

[Télécharger] Miniature Donkey. Miniature Donkey Owners Manual. Miniature Donkey care, environment, health, feeding and breeding. (English Edition) de Harry Holdstone Pdf Epub

Télécharger Miniature Donkey. Miniature Donkey Owners Manual. Miniature Donkey care, environment, health, feeding and breeding. (English Edition) de Harry Holdstone PDF Ebook En Ligne 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Miniature Donkey. Miniature Donkey Owners Manual. Miniature Donkey care, environment, health, feeding and breeding. (English Edition)" de Harry Holdstone livre En ligne Auteur : Harry Holdstone Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais The Miniature Mediterranean Donkey, also known as the Miniature Donkey or simply the mini, hails originally from the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily. They are not just very small donkeys but an entirely separate species. They are the smallest of the equines and increasingly popular as pets.This book will introduce you to these little donkeys by discussing their appearance and biology, typical behaviour, reproduction,...

[Télécharger] Five Things You Can Do in 30 MInutes to Improve Your Riding Forever (English Edition) de Michael Schaffer Livre eBook France

Télécharger Five Things You Can Do in 30 MInutes to Improve Your Riding Forever (English Edition) de Michael Schaffer Francais PDF 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Five Things You Can Do in 30 MInutes to Improve Your Riding Forever (English Edition)" de Michael Schaffer livre En ligne Auteur : Michael Schaffer Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais A short little booklet (36 pages) that shows you how to correct the five most common errors in riding - how to balance your saddle, how to sit in it correctly, how to hold your hands so you sit better, how to ask your horse to go without wearing yourself out, and how to ask him to stop without pulling. Think of this as a bag of treats that never runs out. Télécharger Five Things You Can Do in 30 MInutes to Improve Your Riding Forever (English Edition) de Michael Schaffer Pdf Epub Five Things You Can Do in 30 MInutes to...

[Télécharger] Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition) de Jane Child Pdf Epub

Télécharger Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition) de Jane Child Livre PDF Gratuit 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition)" de Jane Child En Ligne Auteur : Jane Child Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais A training manual for Equine Reiki practitioners who wish to study and practise Reiki for use with horses. The ideas and techniques described in this training manual are for the Reiki practitioner who has achieved Reiki First Degree and has been working with Reiki. Included in the ebook is information about the Chakra system of the horse, drawn illustrations of the hand placements plus case studies and articles. Télécharger Equine Reiki for Reiki Practitioners: Holistic healing for horses (English Edition) de Jane Child En Ligne What is Reik...

[Télécharger] Hamsters: The Essential Guide to Ownership, Care, & Training For Your Pet (Hamster Care) (English Edition) de Kate H. Pellham Livres Pdf Epub

Télécharger Hamsters: The Essential Guide to Ownership, Care, & Training For Your Pet (Hamster Care) (English Edition) de Kate H. Pellham Pdf Ebook 📘 LIRE EN LIGNE     📥 TÉLÉCHARGER Télécharger "Hamsters: The Essential Guide to Ownership, Care, & Training For Your Pet (Hamster Care) (English Edition)" de Kate H. Pellham Livre eBook France Auteur : Kate H. Pellham Catégorie : Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères,Par langue Broché : * pages Éditeur : * Langue : Français, Anglais Hamsters: The Essential Guide to Ownership, Care, & Training For Your Pet (Hamster Care)** Get this book by Author Kate H. Pellham ** Have you been thinking about getting a pet hamster? Are you kids constantly begging you for a pet but you aren’t sure whether it’s a smart decision? Do you already own a hamster but want to learn more about how to care for it properly?Then this complete guide to hamster care is exactly what you are looking for. It will provide you with all...